“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.”

The poet Rainer Maria Rilke wisely states, “If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted, like trees.” Art therapy, somatic therapy, and other embodied practices allow you to bypass your defenses and programming to access a deeper knowing. Find guidance to do this brave and healing work. Come discover your natural intelligence and help heal and grow from the trauma and patterns you wish to be free from. If you are feeling stuck or lost, come learn tools to support you in the everyday to emotionally regulate, find deep self-compassion, and express your true self.

Are you at a point in your life that you are starting to see it is possible for things to be different, but you are not sure how to progress to affect the changes you want most? Are you feeling stuck, lost, afraid, and/or hopeless? Are you going through a life transition, grappling with effective communication in your relationships, experiencing a serious illness, struggling with grief, wanting to shift out of unhealthy patterns, craving balance in your life, or feeling uncertain how to manage overwhelming emotions such as anxiety? It can be powerful to learn how to deeply connect with yourself and find the tools you need to heal and grow.

I tell my clients, that my goal when we begin working together is for you to fire me. I want you to find the wisdom within yourself and your personal relationships, so you don’t have always have to be in therapy. I love working with people that are ready to take the profoundly courageous step to find their inner guidance towards healing and health.

Are you ready to start on the brave path to finding your truth?

Discover Your Truth

There are so many creative paths to the truth if you find a way to be in connection to yourself. Here are some of the tools and methods I use with my clients to support them: psychoeducation, art therapy, body awareness, gestalt therapy, parts work, EMDR, DBT, active imagination, mindfulness/guided meditations, focusing, trauma-informed practices, motivational interviewing, play therapy, self-compassion, non-violent communication, transpersonal psychology, etc. As you can see, there are so many methods. What I have found most helpful is to connect with my clients, hear their story, and play with the tools that are most supportive for them. I also LOVE when my clients give me honest feedback to make sure we are using the best tools for them.

So many creative ways to find your truth

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